Monday, January 23, 2017

Is a Manager a Leader? Is a Leader a Manager? What’s the Difference?

Leadership is a term that has become popularized in recent years and much has been researched and written on the subject. In the past, management was the more frequently used term used for leading an organization. Today, some leadership experts draw a wide distinction between the roles of management and leadership, suggesting that the two are not at all the same. The difference is most likely in how the leader himself defines his or her role.

Webster defines a leader as, “a person or thing that leads; directing, commanding, or guiding head, as of a group or activity.” Leadership implies followers that are being led from one place to another. This indicates movement. The definition of manage is given as, “to control the movement or behavior of; handle; to have charge of; direct; administer.” Management implies maintaining and operating something that is established. By definition, management is more static and leadership dynamic. It would seem that a manager is seen as one who controls movement while a leader is one who creates it. To the extremes, harsh management can become so controlling as to stifle creativity and progress; undisciplined leadership toward a goal with no regard to the process can lead to chaos and destruction.

Such are the differences, but what are the similarities? Both involve working with people. Both exert influence to get things done. Both strive for the success of the group. Understanding the differences in these different but related roles is valuable to anyone at the helm of an organization or team of any size.  

I conclude that an effective leader, while providing vision and direction toward desirable change (leading others from one place to another), must also be a good manager maintaining the effectiveness of the organization or ministry even while it is in motion. The challenge and application of these concepts is, first to be aware of the differences and secondly, to consciously seek a balance of leadership and management of the organizations over which one has been given charge.    

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