Monday, February 20, 2017

Four Leadership Words

This leadership reflection of this blog entry revolves around four words: power, authority, influence and charisma. These terms are related yet have distinct connotations. Power can be defined as the ability to cause energy to be expended, as in force; or more subtly, as the authority to cause things to be done. Charisma has to do with gifted influence and can be either good or bad. Some actually define leadership as influence. All of these terms can have positive and negative applications. Therefore, the personal application for me is to use whatever giftedness (charisma) and influence I may possess for good. As a Christian leader, I must exert power (authority) for good purposes. But, how is that done?

The key lies in the concept of following Christ's example as a servant leader. One of my colleagues has said, "Part of our Christian walk is learning to surrender our lives to Christ.  Ultimately we want His power knowing that it far surpasses our own" (Wells). To have influence for Christ and to operate with His power not my own, is my desire. Therefore, my pursuit is not for power, but for Christ.

Practical steps for me in this regard, are to maintain communion with my Lord daily wherein my relationship with Him is continually growing and deepening. I must communicate with Him continually through prayer, worship and listening. Study and meditation upon the Word of God for both ministry and personal devotion must be an uncompromised priority.

(Because meditation on God's Word is a priority, I have another daily Bible journaling blog that you might be interested in: )

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